Research Institute for
Sustainability | at GFZ

Wirtschaftliche Interessen in der europäischen Klima- und Energiepolitik. Entwicklungstendenzen unterhalb der nationalen Ebene

EU energy policy is embedded in a complex multilevel context. Policy strategies that are developed at supranational levels must be implemented at the local level, where energy is supplied and consumed. Cities also play an important role as innovators, policy laboratories and role models as they develop lighthouse projects concerned with saving energy, energy efficiency and the promotion of renewable energy sources.This volume discusses the role of cities in the field of EU energy policy with regard to energy security, sustainability and competitiveness and its chapters encompass different perspectives on the topic. Firstly, the book analyses the strategies the EU uses to incorporate cities into its energy policy. Secondly, it considers EU policy instruments from the perspective of those cities and their reactions to them. Thirdly, the remaining chapters examine local policies on energy supply, planning and real estate, and traffic and transport.

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Jänicke, M., & Quitzow, R. (2016). Wirtschaftliche Interessen in der europäischen Klima- und Energiepolitik. Entwicklungstendenzen unterhalb der nationalen Ebene. In J. Kemmerzell, M. Knodt, & A. Tews (Eds.), Städte und Energiepolitik im europäischen Mehrebenensystem (pp. 45-70). Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft.



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