Dr. Manuel Rivera
Research Group Leader
Manuel Rivera studied sociology, philosophy and Latin American Studies at the Freie Universität Berlin and at the National University of Buenos Aires. After receiving his diploma (master degree) with a thesis on environmental awareness, he served as a project officer for the German Council for Sustainable Development (RNE), Berlin, and, temporarily, for the European Network of Environmental Advisory Councils (EEAC), Brussels, until 2007. The following years he worked as an actor at several German municipal theatres, before returning to sustainability issues by joining IASS (now RIFS) in March 2011. In 2015, he obtained his PhD in Social Sciences from the University of Stuttgart, with a study about "Theatre as a Political Public Sphere."
At RIFS, he has worked on issues as different as urban studies, Latin American alternatives to development, the German energy transition, or the idea of Nature in the Anthropocene. He was a co-leader of the Economics & Culture program from May 2015 to December 2016, inter alia conducting a study about attitudes toward economic growth in the German Bundestag. From 2017 to 2021, he lead the project "Narratives and Images of Sustainability," with the focus on a critical analysis of current academic and political sustainability discourses. Since 2021, with the establishment of the project "Art-Science Cooperations for Sustainability," his interest lies in artistic formats of communication and collaboration.
Blog Posts
- A Climate of Change in Theatre-Making
- The pandemic: An opportunity for transformation?
- Safety First? Core Values in the Discourse of Sustainability
- Let nature rule?! Exploring digital futures through the lens of art and science
- The log and the flame: what fire can teach us about the transformation towards sustainability
- Technology, Aura, Dialogue: The “EnergyTransitionArt” Exhibition
- 2015 doctoral degree at the University of Stuttgart
- since 2011 Research associate in different positions at IASS
- 2007-2010 Actor at the municipal theatres of Rostock and Heilbronn
- 2004-2007 Project officer with the German Sustainability Council (RNE), Berlin
- 2004 Master's degree (diploma) in sociology at the Free University of Berlin
- Dynamics of the Public Sphere
- Sustainability Discourse
- Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
- Anthropocene
- Arts and Science
- Political Sociology
- Cultural Sociology
Publications at the RIFS
Publications prior to joining the RIFS
- Rivera, M.: Umweltbewusstsein: Kritik und Perspektiven [Environmental awareness: Critique and outlook]. VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, Saarbrücken 2007 [in German]
- Rivera, M.: Conciencia ambiental en Alemania: Fulgor y fisuras de un paradigma ["Environmental awareness in Germany: A paradigm's triumph and weaknesses"], Realidad. Revista del Cono Sur de Psicología Social y Política, n° 4-5, Buenos Aires 2004/2005 [in Spanish]
- 2017 The Growth Paradigm in Parliamentary Communication: Reproduction of a Dogma, Presentation at the Conference "A Great Transformation?", Linz, Austria
- 2016 Was kann "soziale Nachhaltigkeit" sinnvoll bedeuten? Vorlesung im Rahmen des studentisch organisierten Studium Oecologicum, Universität Potsdam
- 2016 Partizipation (und Repräsentation) in Politik, Wissenschaft und Kunst, Vortrag beim Seminar „Kulturen der Partizipation" am Goethe-Institut, München
- 2016 Über den Tellerrand? Genutzte und ungenutzte Verständigungspotenziale des Ballhof-Marktplatzspektakels. Vortrag beim Agenda-21-Forum Hannover
- 2015 Music in Scientific and Societal Discourse: (more than) a Source of 'Energy'? Presentation at the IJAS Academic Conference, Rome, Italy